Monday, August 30, 2010

Approaching the 2-week benchmark

Tomorrow will be my two weekiversary with my reconstructed ACL. I haven't posted in a few days because there hasn't been much to report. I'm frustrated with my progress--or I guess that's lack of progress. I'm STILL completely on crutches. At PT today though, my PT showed me how to walk with just one crutch. I can't do it on stairs so it's really just for around the house, but I guess at least that's a baby step? I was hopeful I'd be walking semi-normally before my flight home, but as Saturday looms closer and closer, thats seeming less and less likely.

My goal was to be walking without crutches after two weeks, and that's just not going to happen. It's making me nervous about where I'm going to be when the kids come back to school. That's only two more weeks away... There's no point in stressing myself out about it though--all I can do is what I'm doing now, which is to stick to my PT routine, ice a lot, and walk on it a little bit every day.

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