Wednesday, August 18, 2010


If you are about to have ACL surgery, you probably should not read this... Consider yourself warned.

My surgery on Tues actually went well. It took the doctor longer than he expected ("It looked like raw hamburger in there," as the anesthesiologist put it), but everything came out ok. BUT, I had a horrible reaction to the general anesthetic. I spent the whole night puking/dry heaving and had to stay in the hospital overnight so they could keep me hydrated and give me pain meds through an IV. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say it was the worst night of my life to date. Absolutely miserable. I got my own room, and the whole staff was amazingly nice so I really have no complaints on that front. It's just that when you're in the hospital, people come in to poke you and prod you every hour to make sure your blood pressure, pulse, etc. are all ok. So I got very little sleep, in spite of being heavily medicated.

This morning I felt much better. I was finally able to eat, for the first time in about 36 hours. Even the disgusting hospital food looked good! I kept that down and I was able to keep an oxycodone down, so they finally let me go home this afternoon.

The one good thing about the hospital was that they gave me pain meds intravenously, so I never had any pain. I'm holding off on oxycodone right now because a guy's coming over in a bit to fit me for a CPM machine and I'd like to be awake for that... So now I'm not nauseous, but I'm getting pretty sore. Fun stuff.

The pic above is my knee in my hardcore brace and an ever-flow ice thing. It keeps my knee continuously cool.

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