Friday, August 6, 2010


Damn you, Shake Shack! They just opened their newest location on the Upper East Side--directly along my path from work to the subway--thereby making it impossible for me to stick to my resolution about eating better!

I love Shake Shack. Not just love, but looooooooooooooove. I have been known to go to Mets games with the sole mission of getting a burger. But the other locations are inconvenient enough, and the lines are long enough, that I rarely go. Unfortunately, that's not the case with this outpost.

After obsessing about its arrival all week, I finally went with some coworkers this afternoon. The line was less than 10 minutes! And this location has a really nice patio, perfect for spending a lazy summer afternoon nursing (ok, inhaling) a strawberry milkshake. *Sigh.*

I know one little burger and shake doesn't sound so bad. And it wouldn't be, if not for the fact that my class took a field trip to a bowling alley today (meaning I ate nachos and fries for lunch) and the school had its annual art show at a gallery in Chelsea last night (meaning I had a burger and fries for dinner with coworkers last night as well). It's hard to eat well in the face of reality! And bar food is my ultimate weakness--I would do just about anything for a mozzarella stick. My social life revolves so much around eating and drinking, and it makes it hard to reconcile what's best for my body with what's best for my mental health.

Side note: yesterday was my one-month knee-iversary. I bought my knee a bottle of Aleve to celebrate.

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