Saturday, July 17, 2010

Re-entering the world

Big news: I took my first steps without crutches today! I still rely on my crutches most of the time--my left leg feels a little like balsa wood--but it feels like a big *step* (pun intended!) in the right direction. I'm definitely a ways away from being able to leave my apartment without crutches, but it certainly makes getting around the apartment easier. I can carry food and water by myself! I don't have to sling a tote full of ice packs, water bottles, and reading material over my shoulder every time I want to move from my bed to the living room!

I've also been getting up my stairs by myself for a couple of days now. It's amazing what that little bit of independence does for my mental state. It's a good feeling to know that I don't have to schedule PT appointments around when someone will be available to help me get back upstairs.

I went in to work for trainings on Thursday and Friday afternoon--it felt amazing to be back around my coworkers. They've been so understanding and kind about everything, and it reminded me how fortunate I am to work in such a supportive environment. I also got to see my class for a bit on Friday afternoon, which was great. I miss the kiddos sooooooo much!

I'd tentatively said I was aiming to be back at work on Monday, but after an outing to get groceries today (with help, of course) I realized that I'm still a pretty long way from walking steadily without crutches. In a *normal* job that wouldn't matter so much, but since my job involves being on my feet all day, I think I may still need more time. There are also a lot of occupational hazards associated with being surrounded by 10 rambunctious boys all day. Especially mine, who are not exactly the most aware of their presence in physical space... I feel like I need to be pretty steady on my feet before I can safely go back to work.

I hate that I'm missing the summer program at work. I'm usually glad for any excuse to stay home and be lazy, but I was actually excited about our summer curriculum. But, I have to keep reminding myself that the timing is good: we have a student teacher right now, and our August break perfectly aligns with when I'll first be able to have knee surgery. I'm also not in school right now. So it could've been a lot worse. Yes, Must.Stay.Positive.

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