Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back to the grind

I made my triumphant return to work today! And I'm completely wiped. The commute actually wasn't horrible (or at least not much more horrible than it usually is). The nice thing about the summer is that my commute is a bit mellower since most other teachers and students are on vacation.

I felt a little out of it at first--I was out for over a week!--but it didn't take long for the kids to forget they "missed me" and get back to their old tricks. I teach special ed--ten boys on the autism spectrum--and in spite of how wild and wacky they can be, I adore my kiddos. That isn't to say that they never piss me off, but in general I really enjoy them. How could I not? They're all extreme personalities, to say the least. Exhibit A: this "get well soon" card one of them made me... Look closely... For some reason my roommates don't want me to put it on the fridge?

My knee is sore, but feels ok. It's good to be over that mental hurdle: now that it's over with, I can admit that I was nervous about going back. Hopefully it will only get easier from here on out. (Um, at least until I have surgery...)

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