Monday, July 19, 2010


Not back to work yet... I spent most of yesterday off crutches, but I'm still very unsteady, so I decided to give myself another day to take it easy. I feel like once I go back, it's going to be hard to take more time off if I need to, so I want to make sure I'm really ready. I'm also uncertain about how much I should be pushing myself vs. taking it easy. I'm erring on the side of not pushing myself too much.

I can't believe how much I've been sleeping for the last week! I don't know if it's me reverting to my natural, super-lazy state, or if my body needs a lot more sleep because it's trying to heal. I've been getting about 11 hours a night consistently since *the accident*. I hope I'm able to get as much sleep as I need when I finally go back to work. I feel like my focus will be very much on healing: going to the gym every day, eating well, and getting lots of sleep. So much for the summer... But it's worth it if it means a faster recovery after surgery.

On the subject of eating: I've been ridiculously healthy for the last week! Of course that's a lot easier to do when I'm not working and have nothing to do with my time besides going to the gym and
thinking about food... I'm going to really try to maintain some of that momentum when I get back to my normal schedule, but I know it will be a lot tougher. Tons of fruit and vegetables, lots of chicken and fish, whole grains, and less--although of course I couldn't go cold turkey--coffee and beer.

I've been going to the gym every day since my last PT appointment on Thursday, and I have to say that although it's frustrating to be so weak, it feels great to be doing something proactive about it. It also gives me some good concrete feedback about my progress. I do the exercise bike and light leg presses there in addition to the strength and range-of-motion exercises I do twice a day at home. At first I was doing the bike for 15 minutes at a resistance of 2, and now I'm up to 30 minutes at 8. And that's after only 3 days! So I'm feeling good about my progress. Again, I just hope I'm able to maintain that momentum once I get back to *normal* life.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm in a much better place than I was just a few days ago. Although it's still frustrating when I think about how far I have to go, it's nice to feel like I'm starting to get back to my normal life. Being off of crutches is HUGE. I will never again take for granted my ability to simultaneously carry things and walk! I think I'm going to bring them to work--at least at first--because I want to be sure I get a seat on the train and the bus. But hopefully that will be the extent of when I use them. Ugh, not looking forward to getting back to my commute... I haven't taken the subway since last Thursday!

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