Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A 7th Grader Pushed Me Today...

I wish I could say things were going better, but they're not really. I guess I'm getting used to it, or something. Actually I don't even know if that's true. I still hate it a lot. I still cry all the time. I still lose my will to live by the end of third period every day. I still feel buried under an endless mountain of administrative b.s. I still feel like I'm throwing everything together at the last second.
I fantasize all the time about quitting. Alas, I would be fully screwing myself if I did that, since I left a smoldering, burnt bridge behind me at my last job. I would end up with a degree but no references, which would make it pretty hard to ever find a job. I also have an unbelievable mountain of debt already.
I hate it when people say money doesn't buy happiness. I call bullshit on that. Life is so much easier if you're rich. You don't have to live with the consequences of your mistakes; you can buy your way out of them.
1) Charter school life is not for me.
2) I shouldn't blog when I'm in a bad mood.

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