Friday, August 27, 2010

10 days out

10 days out of surgery and I'm still very much on crutches! I am getting soooooo sick of these guys. I'm putting more weight on my toe every day though, so I need to remember that and stay positive.

I got this cool toy at physical therapy last week: they're electrodes, and they send a current into my quad muscle to remind it how to fire. It reminds me of those As-Seen-On-TV commercials for the "Belly Burner" (featuring the guy eating chips and watching t.v. saying, "I can't believe I'm working out!") It's cool, it makes my quad muscle tense up, which they can't quite do on their own yet. I also use it on a lower setting for pain relief, which feels amaaaaaaazing. Is it possible to become addicted to a low electrical impulse? I'm scared I'm going to resort to sticking my finger in a light socket to get my fix after I have to return this guy.

Of course I've been getting excellent care from my "nurses" :) They are sooooooo helpful! They very kindly create moving obstacle courses so I can test my reflexes and practice sharp turns on my crutches, and they also provide a customized "bath" service, featuring personalized licking and stinky breath. I don't know what I'd do without them!

And just for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple more pics of my sexy knees:

This one is of the teeny wound left behind after the first of the steri-strips came off. It's pretty small, hopefully it won't leave much of a scar!

And this one is a comparison of my swollen left and normal right knees. There's not much of a knee to be seen in the left one. Ice, ice ice.

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